Web Service Explotation Manual

This information describes how to explode agZOOM Web Service. Indicates how to call to the Web Service and enumerates the possible answers. All methods have a screenshot about Chrome postman plugin configuration.


Get token

Connection typeGET
URL Paramsgrant_typepassword
Header ParamsNot applies

Request example


Expected answer

 "token_type": "bearer", 
 "scope": null, 
 "refresh_token": "Y2ExZDU3MTJiM2FiMjA5NTEyNzI0NGQ0MDYwNjFkYzQ0YjViMzQyMjBkZTBhNjQ4NGUxZGZjOWVkMmY4Njk3ZA" 

Postman screenshot

Get User Devices

Connection type GET
URL http://visor.ag-zoom.com/api/userdevices
URL Params Not applies
Header Params Authorization Bearer [access_token]

Request example


Expected answer

    "status": "0",
    "systemDate": "05-12-2017 11:59:02",
    "costumers": [
            "id": 999999,
            "name": "CostumerName",
            "fincas": [
                    "id": 999999,
                    "name": "fincasName",
                    "devices": [
                            "id": 99999,
                            "name": "deviceName",
                            "location": "30S 613576 4150858",
                            "alarmaNo": 93,
                            "messageNo": "0",
                            "batteryLoad": 84
                            "id": 99999,
                            "name": "deviceName",
                            "location": "30S 614459 4150912",
                            "alarmaNo": 89,
                            "messageNo": "0",
                            "batteryLoad": 80

Postman screenshot

Get Sensor Data

Connection type GET
URL         http://visor.ag-zoom.com/api/getsensordata/[deviceId]/mrid/[startMrid](/[endMrid])
URL http://visor.ag-zoom.com/api/getsensordata/[deviceId]/date/[endDate](/[startDate])
URL Params Not applies
URL Info Information can be retrieved by mrid or by date, choose URL you need. endMrid and startDate are optional parameters. If no end value is indicated, information will be retrieved from endDate on. endDate and startDate format must be: Y-m-d H:i:s
Valid date formats If no end value is indicated, information will be retrieved from endDate on. endDate and startDate format must be:
  • Y-m-d H:i:s
  • YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS ( I = mInutes)
  • YYYYMMDDHHIISS ( I = mInutes)
Header Params Authorization Bearer [access_token]

Request example


Expected answer

        "id ":"425",
        "costumer": "CostumerName",
        "farm": "FarmName",
        "name": "DeviceName",
        "alias": "DeviceAlias",
        "sensors": [
                "code": "5632",
                "type": "VP-4",
                "port": 5,
                "depth": 30,
                "variables": [ 
                        "id": "1",
                        "type": "Precipitación",
                        "data": "0.000000000000",
                        "unit": "Pluviometria",
                        "unit_default": "mm (milímetros)",
                        "date": "2017-05-24 00:00:00",
                        "mrid": "121646"
                {... } ]
         {... } ]
    } ]

Postman screenshot


Token error

 "error_description":"Invalid username and password combination" 
Invalid_grant Invalid username and password combination

Function answers

 "errorMsg":"Action not allowed" 
Action not allowed Error nº: 1 You can’t request this action.
Origin not allowed Error nº: 2 This method can’t be requested from a WS Client.
Method not allowed Error nº: 3 You has not permissions to access this method.
Client data not allowed Error nº: 4 You has no permissions to access this particular element information.
Device not found Error nº: 5 The requested device has not been found.
Widgets not found Error nº: 6 The requested device has not widgets available.